Our purpouse
Collaboration and connection, two words that in themselves say a lot about the evolution of business today. As Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz said: "Success is best when it's shared."
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In the middle of 2020, the fateful year of the beginning of the pandemic, Marc Andreessen, from a16z, one of the largest venture capital funds in the world, comments in his manifesto "It's time to build", that when we build, it is when we can restore our dreams. The things we produce in large quantities like TVs, computers, smartphones usually improve in quality and fall in price. However, areas such as education and healthcare generally increase in price over the years. We will always have fantastic people, even in the most deficit systems - "we have to take all our talents and our biggest problems and build the answers to them" said Marc Andreessen.
And to build, we can immediately think of this triad: people, collaboration and connection. In my journey as a doctor and entrepreneur, I have always tried to meet as many people as possible and establish a relationship that could provide and generate value: the famous networking. As Adam Grant's book Give and Take says: "If we are to succeed, we need a combination of hard work, talent, and luck. However, there is a fourth ingredient, which is critical but often overlooked: success depends heavily on how We approach and interact with other people. Every time we interact at work we have a choice to make: do we try to claim as much value as we can or do we contribute to generating value in this relationship without seeking a return in return? " Adam Grant
In medicine, collaboration is essential, and as a doctor, when I'm in the operating room, collaboration and efficient communication between the whole team, surgeon, anesthesiologist and nursing, can be defining for us to have a great result at the end of the surgery, which is the patient's health.
"Great things in business are never done by one person, they're done by a team of people."
Steve Jobs
In startups, collaboration and teamwork turn an initial idea into the ability to execute and turn into a big business. And how can we collaborate and build a better network of relationships globally to seek solutions to health problems that are seen in every corner of our planet?
First of all, health is a global issue , which even with the differences of each country in their health systems, both public and private, with technology and investment on the part of each sector, the human being , even with its particularities , remains the same.
And what point do I want to get to?
"Every successful business is a monopoly", as Peter Thiel said in "Zero to One":
"But the world we live in is dynamic: We can create new and better things. The creative monopoly gives the customer better options for creating an entire category of abundance in the world. Creative monopolies are not only good for society; they are a powerful tool for let's do better"
Peter Thiel
In order to grow in a healthy competition and create new solutions that can really deliver a blue ocean to this sea of opportunities that exists in health, we must think as a whole, how to solve each point individually and collectively, and especially not just look at location for the problem.
In these last few weeks I talked to several entrepreneurs, experts, startups, researchers, and my summary is unique: think global.
From the great research of Texas Medical Center, in Houston, with wearables for identification and monitoring of cardiac patients, by colleague Dr. Cristiano Cardoso, from the thriving health ecosystem in Florida with Mauricio Orlandi in Tampa and Henry, professor and angel investor, in Miami, the new American "Silicon Valley". From Cristiano Russo, entrepreneur, communicator and president of the Brazilian Association of Health Startups.
From fellow AI specialist in radiology Dr. Fabio Moraes, from Queens University in Canada, from Felipe Freitas, ex-Petrobras and now an engineer at the company "nothing more, nothing less" - Tesla, who is also an angel investor and mentor of healthtechs. From Mike Dias, from Porto, Portugal, creator of the "Scaleup Valley" podcast that brings entrepreneurs from around the world to discuss topics about business, innovation in various sectors, but also an enthusiast of new technologies in health, from Fernando Richa, marketing specialist digital in Los Angeles and which is part of a wellness healthtech, by Immo Oliver, a Swiss entrepreneur who founded one of the largest interoperability healthtechs in Brazil, Carenet.
What do all these people have in common? connections.
Through networking, networks, and a mission, they seek new frontiers, the possibility of having increasingly connected and global solutions, in multiple sectors, but mainly, in what has the greatest impact: health.
This is our “why”. Our connections can and should overall value. That's why we are launching Connext.Health, a way to connect all these dots and bring solutions to the various pains in the market, but mainly, in the search for more value to patients.
It's time to build!